Question: 1 / 50

A contagious disease is:

Always fatal

Only transmitted through direct contact

Transmitted from one person to another

A – This statement is not true as there are many contagious diseases that are not fatal and can be treated. For example, the common cold is a contagious disease that is not fatal and can be treated. B – This statement is not true as there are many contagious diseases that can be transmitted through indirect contact, such as touching contaminated surfaces. D – This statement is not necessarily true as many contagious diseases can be treated and managed, such as the common flu. However, there are some contagious diseases that are currently not treatable. The correct answer is C because a contagious disease is defined as one that can be transmitted from one person to another, meaning it can spread from one person to another through various means, such as direct or indirect contact, respiratory droplets, and bodily fluids. This definition is broad and includes diseases that can be mild, severe, or even fatal. Therefore, options A, B, and D are incorrect because they are either too extreme or too narrow in their definition of a contagious disease.

Not treatable


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